Over The Top or Not: #NYFW Street Style

New York Fashion Week is over today and now it´s time to discuss about the street style we have been seeing non stop.  Below are some looks from this week...I think that some are just over the top, I mean, who else would wear that? And others are looking really beautiful. It's great that people don't care about what others think and just wear whatever they want, that's the essence of style, but I have a question: Is #NYFW Street style an inspiration for you to follow or not?

New York Fashion Week se termina hoy y es momento de discutir el street style que hemos estado viendo sin parar.  Abajo verás unos looks de esta semana..Pienso que algunos son muy exagerados, es decir, quién más se vestiría así? Y otros looks que verás son muy bonitos, en mi opinión.  Es buenísimo que a las personas no les importe lo que otros piensen y que se vistan como se les de la gana, esa es la esencia del estilo, pero tengo una pregunta:  Piensas que el Street Style del #NYFW es una inspiración a seguir?

Sources: Women Wear Daily, Elle.


  1. Its awesome to see whats on thr runway and then make it work within "real" life.. xxo

  2. love the pants sooo much >.<



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