Who Are Your Favorites At The MTV VMA´S?
MTV Video Music Awards were held tonight, who were your favorites?
Black robes, a 2000 couple remake, and more:
Esta noche fueron los Premios MTV, cuales fueron tus favoritas?
Batas negras, un remake de una pareja del 2000 y más:
Ariana Grande.
Who by the way, tried really hard to make us believe she's not divorcing Jay Z:
Quien por cierto, trató con mucho esfuerzo el hacernos creer que no se estará divorciando de Jay Z:
Yeah, so, let's bring Blue Ivy to make this more believable...Nice try guys...
Aja, traigamos a Blue Ivy para que esto se vea más creible...Buen intento...
Chloe Grace Moretz in Louis Vuitton.
Demi Lovato and a subtle cleavage..
Gwen Steffani looking like I wanna look when I get to that age.
Iggy Azalea
Jennifer Lopez. How many hours do you think she spends at the gym?
Kelly Rowland
Oh look, another subtle cleavage...Kim Kardashian's .... * shocking *
Lorde in the black robe I was telling you about..
Miley Cyrus.
Nicki Minaj
Taylor Swift. No comments.
And finally, Katy Perry made us remember the ' golden couple ' from 2000.
Y finalmente, Katy Perry nos hace recordar a esta pareja del 2000...
Who's your best and worst?
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